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     History of Tétouan

      In general Moroccan city names are written and pronounced of the same manner everywhere, the difference is only very rare. Gold for Tétouan, the case is all other , one can find until seven different manners to write or to pronounce this name :

   Tétouane - Tétawen - Tétawine - Tétawane - Titawin - Titwan.

    Modern Tétouan is quoted it existent today then the ninth end century of the hégire (15 century S.)

     The city of Tétouan is an Islamic city, Arab, Moroccan ; it is situated to the north-west of Morocco, passed to the east by the méditerranée . The city is found in approximately 10 km of the côte…Quand to the despoiled city of Ceuta giving on the strait of Gibraltar it is situated to approximately forty km to the north of Tétouan.

   It is sure that the city of Tétouan existed before the existence of the islam, because the discovery of bankrupt proves it.

Léon the African ( the andalous, grenadien, Moroccan, fassi ) that is lived to the end of the

9eme  S. the hégire told in its book "characterization of Africa "  that founders of Tétouan are antique Africans and Muslives  have conquered it the gold of the conquest of  Sebta. 1st century of the hejri .

Current Tétouan is that that was constructed by the Muslim immigrants of the Andalousie on debris of the ancient city.

   It has been suited that the chief of  Andalous  that has built the city of Tétouan was the commander and moujahid Abou Al-Hassan Al-Gharnati. This last was one commander Beni Al-Ahmar and resided moujahid in this city until its death in 940 of the hégire. It is buried has bab makaber and clear its celebrity one visits its tomb until our days. One is not sure the exact date of the construction   of the city : One evokes next dates 888-889 of other historians evokes the year 897 of hejri correspond  2 January 1492 it is to tell after the escape of Grenada  by Spanish Christians .

   The sultan Sidi Mohammed Ibn Abellah has visited Tétouan in 1175 of the hejri. It deceased all Flap meadows in 1204 to the moment where its son Mouley Elyazid was to the mausoleum Al-Machichi in the tribe of Blest Arousse where it learnt the death of its father . soldiers that circled it on order of father it one presented the act of allegiance then it has rendered to Tétouan where residents of the city and tribes avoisinants have accomplished the same act of allegeance